Adirondack Winter Venturee

Feb 21- 23, 2025

Check out this all inclusive Winter Venturee! Sleeping in Adirondacks, Gourmet/no - stove/outdoor cooking, hands on learning cooking techniques.

Learn how to sleep in the outdoors during the winter, build your own shelter and sleep in it, learn first lighting techniques, create fire starters, learn knots, how to take care of your cast iron, how to work together as a team to prepare your own food.

Weekend Registration Deadline is February 14, 2025 (all numbers are firm and payment sent)

Day Registration Deadline is February 18, 2025 (all numbers are firm and payment sent)

Question?  Contact email is

Winter Camp for Howlers, Scouts, Venturers, Pathfinders, Rangers, TREX

Venturers/Rangers/TREX/Pathfinders - Sleeping in Adirondacks

Scouts/Pathfinders - Sleeping in Cabins or sleeping in Adirondacks 

Come For The Weekend

Gates open: Feb 21 - starting 6:30pm, Pick up Feb 23at 11am

Weekend Cost: $60 per youth, camping, event crest, all activities and food included (first 2 Scouters/Guiders free, $50 each after 2)

Bring: your own dishes, mugs, water bottles, camp chairs, sleds/toboggans with Helmet and personal equipment (personal items and bedding), 10 pairs of socks and what ever else you need to camp outside in the winter.  PACKING LIST HERE 

Come For Just Saturday

Gates open: Feb 22 starting 9:00am

Day Cost: $30 per person (Youth and Scouters/Guiders) - includes food for the day, all activities and event crest

Bring: your own dishes, mugs, water bottles, camp chairs, sleds/toboggans with Helmet and personal equipment (personal items and bedding), 10 pairs of socks and what ever else you need to camp outside in the winter.  DAY PACKING LIST HERE 

Winter Camping How-To - run sessions with Youth prior to attending camp

We know that not everyone knows how to winter camp. Here are some helpful tips:

Download Winter Camping Tip Sheet

Download Winter Camping Presentation

All the Camp Information:

Review All Winter Camping Information Here 


Scouter's Manual:  Download Scouter Package 

Event Map

How To Park

Parking Driver info


Friday Mug up: Hot dog roast (chicken/beef, halal chicken and veg hot dogs), buns, condiments, hot drinks, water

Saturday Breakfast: Boil in a bag omelet and then pick one -  hash brown skillet turkey sausage, hash brown skillet veg or Dutch Oven Baby (blueberry)

Saturday Lunch: Roasting everything - meat, veg, tofu including turkey in a garbage can and roasted beef and Dutch oven dessert (peach cobbler or apple crisp)

Saturday Supper: Dutch Oven me this....Potato Curry Dutch Oven, Lasagna, Cowboy Casserole, buns, do we need a green salad?

Saturday Mug up: Cinnamon Buns (oven or tin foil oven or dutch oven)

Sunday Breakfast: Oatmeal Bar - oatmeal, raisons and fruit.

Snacks: Cookies, granola bars

Drinks: Coffee, hot chocolate, tea/herbal tea, cold water, drink crystals


OAS Winter Skills and Winter FUN!



6:30pm Gates open - Please do not come earlier - refer to Parking Information Sheet

                   ***Toboggan your personal items to your location (OAS Criteria checked off) (weather dependent)

7:00pm Set up Campsite or set up bunks in cabins, Evening Programming in your Adirondack/cabin - make fires at  campfire pits, bring cards   and board games,  explore camp

9:00pm Mug up at Activity Shelter for Adirondacks and Cabins will have mug up in cabin bins.

9:30 pm Registration and Scouter's Meeting at Activity Shelter


7:00am Wake Up and get ready for the day

8:00am Prep and Cook Breakfast at Activity Shelter

                        Breakfast at Activity Shelter (bring your mess kit and camp chair)

9:00am Day Participants - Gates open, Lower Gate Parking Lot, Registration at Activity Shelter

9:30am Opening - Lion's Lodge Flag Pole

10:00am Morning Activities:

12:00pm (or 2 hours after activities start) Lunch at Activity Shelter (bring your mess kit and camp chair)

1:30pm (or 1 1/2 hour after lunch starts) Afternoon Activities

5:00pm Prep Dinner in Dutch Ovens and Tin Foil Ovens

6:00pm Dinner at Activity Shelter (bring your mess kit and camp chair)

7:00pm        Dinner Clean Up, Prep Mug Up  and then Free Time

***Day Participants may want to leave after Dinner or stay for campfire

7:30pm  Camp Fire -  Activity Shelter Field (bring camp chair)

8:00pm Mug up in your cabin if it has an oven or rest at Activity Shelter (bring mess kit and camp chair)

8:30pm Back to Adirondacks/cabins for night or star gazing in Activity Pavilion Field or explore, etc


7:30am Wake Up and Pack self

8:30am Breakfast in Cabins or at Activity Shelter

9:30am Clean Adirondacks/Cabins/Kybo's

10:00am Closing - Lion's Lodge Flag Pole

10:30am Camp Master Check Out is needed to leave

11:00am Pick up - both parking lots (refer to parking instructions)