Points of interest
Everton Scout Camp has a number of activities and points of interest available for groups.
Archery Range
Fully equipped outdoor archery range. Must have certified rangemaster.
Ask the Camp Rangers.
Banderlog's Village
Large fort type structure. Built during the last Canadian Cub Jamboree.
Obstacle Course
Large obstacle course. Located on west side of the river.
Campfire Circles
Bill Evans Campfire Circle (Cub campfire) - Large capacity View more images
Albert Bader Campfire Circle (Scout Campfire) - Medium capacity View more images
Swinging Bridge
Connects the two sides of Everton Scout Camp. Beautiful views of the river.
Stepping Stones
Connects the two sides of Everton Scout Camp. Beautiful views of the river, possibility to get wet!
Flat Rock
A section of the Eramosa River where the bottom of is a flat sheet of the natural rock. Great for pond dipping and getting your feet wet.
Activity Field
The main field outside of Wheeler Lodge.
Swimming Pool
The gem of Everton Scout Camp. A large in-ground pool with a diving board and a large capacity.
Climbing Wall
A climbing (bouldering) wall for all ages and skill
Lonesome Pine
This impressive, magnificent specimen of a tree has many legends surrounding it.
Cliffs and Grottos
Cutting through the camp is the beautiful Eramosa River. The river has created many natural landmarks and is surrounded by limestone cliffs.
Places to go visit
Halton County Radial Railway Museum, Long Lane Orchard and Trout Farm, White Rock Ostrich Farm, Country Heritage Park, Canadian Warplane Museum, Rockwood Conservation Area, Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area, Kelso Conservation Area, Crawford Lake Conservation Area, Hilton Falls Conservation Area, Mountsberg Conservation Area, Elora Gorge Conservation Area, Guelph Lake Conservation Area, Rockwood Conservation Area